Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Discussion : British Philosophy (Work in Progress....)

British Philosophy of Public Administration

1. Fusion of Politics and Administration.

2. Adoption of the merit system.

3. Nonpartisan Civil Service.

4. Pragmatism between Science and Ethics (Values maybe).

5. Communication : Embracing both formal and informal communication.

Some points to brainstorm

1. What were the guiding factors which shaped British Philosophy of Public Administration?

2. What are the differences between British and American Philosophy?

3. Which elements of British Philosophy are present in Indian Administration?

4. Is the British Philosophy capable of facing the challenges posed by climate change and globalisation? [LOL, just kidding]

@ main pioneer in British philosophy :
1. wallas
5. urvic
7.Beatrice Webb
8.harold j laski

graham wallas: first model of creative process:

the creative process:
1.conscious vs. unconscious wanders
2.voluntary vs. involuntary thinking
3.deliberate vs. serendipitous chains of ideas

--in 1926 wallas, defined this process in 4 stages

1--investigate the problem from all direction
--fully conscious stage
--brainstrom, researc, planning
--relevant state of mind

2.-->unconscious stage
-- here "combination play" works [einstein]
--two or more idea combined effectively
--result in creative thinking
-->"negative fact" 
-during incubation , no conscious deliberation of problem
-->"positive fact"
--series of unconscious, involuntary mental events.
3. illumination
--"sudden illumination"
--flash of insight cannot be controlled by conscious itself
--connection b/w the seemingly unconnected are true secret of genius
--conscious and deliberate effort
--testing the validity of idea
--reducing idea to exact form

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